The COVID-19 global health crisis, and the volume of both news and misinformation, prove the need for access to reliable information has never been greater. MarketChorus’ AI technology is uniquely positioned to be help connect concerned readers with the news they can trust, in partnership with publishers across the US.

Our publisher offering, MarketChorus Engage, offers website visitors the option to “Follow This Story” from articles they’re reading on publisher websites. Once signed up, readers receive alerts whenever new related content is published via daily emails or real-time Slack messages.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the challenges it has caused for publishers and the general public, MarketChorus is leveraging our Engage technology to offer publishers the ability provide free COVID-19 news alerts to their readers for the duration of the crisis, at no cost.

We’ve done our best to provide answers to the most commonly asked questions about the COVID-19 Alerts program below, but if you still have unanswered questions after reading this, then please reach out to us.

What Are COVID-19 Alerts?

MarketChorus’ technology allows publishers to provide near real-time news alerts to their readers, on-demand. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, this technology is being made freely available to publishers, for purposes related to sharing COVID-19 related content to their readers.

What is MarketChorus Engage?

The technology behind the MarketChorus Engage platform was used to develop the COVID-19 Alerts program but only the news alerts portion of Engage is included in this free offer.

Check the MarketChorus Engage FAQ for more information.

What Will Our Readers See?

Any article page which includes the snippet of code provided to you by MarketChorus will feature a button with the call-to-action “Follow This Story“. Upon clicking the button, readers are asked to provide their email, and then delivered to the MarketChorus dashboard where they can select the type of alerts they want to receive (email or Slack).

How Do I Get Started?

Please let us know you’re interested by filling out this form and we’ll be in touch. From a technical and integration standpoint, all your team needs to do is add a couple of lines of code into the header of the web page where you want the button to appear.

Can Email Alerts Be Customized With Our Branding?

Yes! We will format the email templates with your logo and the “Follow This Story” button with your color/styles.

What Will MarketChorus Do With The Emails That Are Collected?

Your organization owns 100% of the email addresses collected. We do not track, monetize, share, or sell any data whatsoever. No additional cookies or pixels will be added to your website. MarketChorus only uses the emails for administration purposes, like “Forgot My Password” emails, and to deliver any email alerts readers have authorized. We will deliver all the email addresses collected and statistics such as total users, articles tracked, and articles sent upon request.

Can Recommendations Include Content From Other Sources?

Yes. We offer publishers the choice of sending readers only content from their own websites, area/regional content from other publishers, or curated national news. In each case, the publisher can supply a white-list of other sites to include in the email results.

Does This Replace Our Other Email Newsletter Software?

We recommend leaving all of your existing newsletter efforts intact, and adding this alerting feature at the story level. As it learns from every article you publish and will alert readers on a daily basis if new stories match, the feature should complement your other efforts and be an additional, non-competitive way to increase reader loyalty and extend your reach.

What Are Our Obligations?

We only ask that, in exchange for complimentary setup and onboarding, you commit to keeping the COVID-19 Alerts program available to your readers for as long as they find it useful (through the “Follow This Story” call-to-action). There is no hard commitment and you are free to remove our technology at any time (by deleting one line of code from your website header).

What If We Want To Provide Alerts On Content That Is Not COVID-19 Related?

This free offer only applies to coronavirus related news – and that definition is a good-faith agreement between us to leverage it wherever readers may benefit. For example, news about losing healthcare coverage due to layoffs is a perfectly acceptable relation. For content not pertaining to health and the coronavirus crisis – such as sports, real estate, business etc, please contact us for information.

Why Is MarketChorus Doing This?

Simple – we care. Your journalists are working hard to provide trustworthy news that can help saves lives and promote facts to a community that needs them. We hope to do more in the near future.

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